What is abdominal therapy?
Abdominal Therapy is gently powerful massage and bodywork, focusing primarily on the abdomen, hips and back, to support the health of the fascia, ligaments, organs, and muscles. Abdominal Therapy directs the body toward it's natural balance by encouraging proper positioning of organs, reducing tension, promoting improved flows of blood, lymph, and energy and proper nerve function. Abdominal Therapy gives us the opportunity to release both emotional and physical tension, which can help our bodies to feel and function better.
Abdominal Therapy can be helpful for many reproductive issues including painful, heavy or irregular periods, fertility health and pelvic organ prolapse. It can also be effective when dealing with digestive issues such as constipation, bloating and IBS. Abdominal Therapy for Pregnancy can help promote better labor, delivery and positioning of baby. It can also aid in recovery after c-section or birth loss and during the postpartum period.
Much of the Abdominal Therapy I practice grew from the teachings of Dr. Rosita Arvigo, who is a qualified Doctor of Naprapathy, an herbalist, and an author. In the 1980’s she created a home in Belize and forged loving connections with celebrated traditional healers. Shaman Don Elijio Panti and Midwife Miss Hortense Robinson were among her dear friends and mentors. They taught her, and shared with her, their work and wisdom which comprises some of the techniques Abdominal Therapy embraces today. Rosita Arvigo documents the story of her time with Don Elijio in her first book, Sastun: My Apprenticeship with a Maya Healer. Rosita remains rooted in this community and founded the Ix Chel Tropical Research Foundation to connect young people with the ways of their ancestors in Belize. A tithe is paid to the Ix Chel Tropical Research Foundation by all those who come to learn Abdominal Therapy.
When I work with clients using Abdominal Therapy they often comment on how good the work feels, and how wonderful it is to have work to these neglected but very important parts of our bodies. We can hold great amounts of tension in our abdomen, yet we may never have had any type of abdominal massage or bodywork. Abdominal Therapy is often very impactful to both our reproductive and emotional health. When I work with folks using Abdominal Therapy, the work always involves both bodywork sessions with myself and teaching of self-care massage and other supportive practices which can help provide nourishment and treatment every day. This lovely and easy self treatment is something you can carry with you throughout your life, helping you to support your own reproductive and digestive health.
Abdominal Therapy professional sessions and self-care are wonderful tools to have for improving and maintaining your reproductive and digestive health, and supporting your particular reproductive wellness goals. Have questions or want to know more? Feel free to be in touch or schedule a complimentary consultation. I'd love to talk with you and hear all about your history, wellness and goals.
Blessings and peace,