A Little bit about me
I know I often find it helpful to know a little bit about a person before I give them a try as my provider/partner/practitioner. I enjoy getting a feel for what someone is like, and having some idea about whether they might be a good match for me, before I visit them in person. You too? Then I’m happy to share a little more about myself! If you have other questions that would help you feel comfortable working with me, feel free to reach out. If you have questions about the type of work I do, I’m happy to answer.
By now you probably know that I'm an educator, fertility awareness practitioner, movement and massage therapist specializing in menstrual, fertility, reproductive, prenatal, and postpartum health. I love working with folks to improve how they feel and function through knowledge, coaching and hands on work. I have been a reproductive practitioner for many years, and have always worked for myself because it allowed me the flexibility to be home with my children, and for me to offer therapeutic work the way I thought would best serve my clients. I have a partner, three adult children and a rescue dog. Being a mom is one of the hardest and most enjoyable things I have done and continue to do, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I also enjoy walking outside - roads, woods or mountains. I prefer minimalist/barefoot type shoes and am always looking for more and prettier options, so if you have some you like let me know! I love many types of handwork including knitting, crocheting, jewelry-making and ceramics. I love growing herbs, cooking and baking with herbs, and whipping up herbal remedies like salves, lotions and tinctures. I love making and eating dessert. I'm a sucker for natural stone and funky jewelry, and dark chocolate/peanut butter anything. I’m always in search of good science fiction, and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, The Orville (TV), Contact and Interstellar (movies).
I like to really listen to people, talk one on one or in small groups, hear folk’s stories, and have meaningful conversations. I like to pass on what I am fortunate to learn from one person to the next person who is in need of it. I have had some losses and difficulties in my life, and these experiences have helped me to understand what loss means and feels like, and how to be present for others when they are experiencing loss or challenge. I am also eternally grateful for, and celebrate, the joy in my life and in the lives of those I love and those with whom I work.
I love to learn new things. These days I am learning more about herbs for my family and community, and hope to include this in my client care someday. I'm continuously attending classes, and learning wherever I can, so I can make myself a more knowledgeable and effective practitioner. I’m always here to chat and answer questions, so feel free to be in touch if you think of any or also if you have any good sci-fi or dessert recommendations. I’m always up for those as well!
Blessings and Peace,